UK Vs the World Series 3 Cast Wishlist

 Now that UK Vs. The World Series 2 is over, I have decided to place my picks for the third season. I will be using the same amount of queens as the previous season, so 11. I also want to be honest that the only franchises I have seen so far are: US, Canada, UK, Down Under, Holland, Belgium, France, All Stars, UK Vs. The World, and Canada Vs. The World. I am sure my answer will change when I catch up on the other franchises, but I still wanted to make this list. I will also be choosing 4 UK queens like the last one since it will be UK vs the world. As for our US candidates, I will only be choosing those who have competed on All Stars before as that has been the precedent for the last few Vs the world seasons. So let's begin.

Peach - Drag Race Belgium (5th place)

Sederginne - Drag Race Holland (6th place)

Kam Hugh - Drag Race France (7th place)

Synthia Kiss - Canada's Drag Race (7th place)

Etcetera Etcetera - RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (7th place)

Jan Sport - RuPaul's Drag Race (8th place) & RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (7th place)

Trinity K. Bonet - RuPaul's Drag Race (7th place) & RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (5th place)

Asttina Mandella - RuPaul's Drag Race UK (11th place)

Ella Vaday - RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Runner-Up)

Black Peppa - RuPaul's Drag Race UK (3rd/4th place)

Sminty Drop - RuPaul's Drag Race UK (9th place)

So... who would you like to see on the next season of UK Versus the World? Let me know!
