Daryl Dixon Season 2 Predictions


The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon season 2, The Book of Carol, will be coming to AMC and AMC+ sometime next year. With that being said, I want to offer my thoughts and opinions on what I think could happen in the second season. So without further ado, let's get into my predictions!

Anna Valery Takes Over Club Demimonde

With Quinn out of the picture, it only seems logical that Anna would take over Club Demimonde. She already ratted Quinn out to Genet, so it is likely they already had a deal in place even before his death. It is likely that when Anna gave information on Quinn to Genet that she gained a lot of favor. The club would still be able to operate the same. She could also feel some sort of guilt for getting Daryl and Laurent caught in the middle, so she could become an ally again in the second season.

Who Comes Back

In episode 5, Carol mentions that *unknown* came back. Theories have been plastered everywhere about who that could be. The most popular ones being Morgan, Dwight, and Sherry. With Fear the Walking Dead coming to an end, it is pretty likely these are the case. Morgan left to go to Alexandria in the mid-season finale of the final season of Fear. Episode 8x09 of Fear saw Dwight and Sherry return to the Sanctuary. Is it possible he went to the communities beforehand and got some pushback, which could be why he doesn't direct June to the other communities. Unlikely, but still possible. Whenever Daryl and Carol inevitably reunite, I am sure this will be one of his first questions. 

Codron Sacrifices Himself for the Group

The season finale of Daryl Dixon saw Codron kill Genet's men, and let Daryl and the group get away. He went back to Genet and lied about what he did. He clearly has a lot of story left or Genet would have just taken him out then. I see him maybe given a second chance by Genet, but when the cards are down, he will sacrifice himself, either for Laurent, or the group as a whole. Maybe he can even come across the woman who truly killed his brother.

Daryl and Isabelle Get Together

For me, this relationship clearly seemed to be set up in the first season, especially towards the end. I do think this will be easier for the fans to digest since it happened over time. I believe the biggest issue with the Daryl and Leah relationship was that although it happened in-universe over time, it happened for us in one episode. These two I think are clearly good for each other, and I believe Isabelle is here to stay and that she has a place in this universe even after this show comes to an end. 

Laurent Breaks Down

Laurent has been sold to us as the boy who could save the world from the apocalypse. However, many of us aren't buying into that. We even got confirmation that Isabelle got him to draw the drawing after Daryl showed up on shore. I believe a lot of the other coincidences are just because people want to believe he is the chosen one. I do think this pressure will get to him now that he is officially at the nest, and he may have some sort of mental breakdown due to it.

More Variant Walkers and Scheming From Genet

We got to see a lot of variants in this series, especially in the finale. Clearly Genet and Dr. Lafleur have a lot more experimenting to do, I believe the second season will see more of their experiments. There is clearly a lot of amazing things on the horizon for these variants.

Carol Discovers the Truth

The trailer for season 2 reveals that Carol will be going to the same place Daryl was at in episode 5. He was taken before he could find out a lot of information, but I think Carol will get to the bottom of it, well before Daryl and company do in France. Carol is a force to be reckoned with and she will no doubt get to the bottom of this.

Carol Saves the Day

Carol has quite the history of coming in at the last minute and saving the day. We have seen her use a plethora of tricks to take out her enemies. I believe that it will take a while for Carol to make it to France, but when she does, she will save Daryl and his newer allies. This could tie into one of my previous points about the variants. Maybe she could hatch a new scheme to save our friends.

These are just some of the thoughts I have going into the second season, what are your thoughts? What are you hoping to see?
