M3GAN 2.0 Wishlist

 M3GAN was one of my favorite movies I have seen this year so far. I am super excited for the sequel, currently scheduled to hit theaters on January 17, 2025. I have decided to compile a list of some of the things I am hoping to see in the sequel (and things I think could help it succeed)!

Follow Randy Meeks' Rules for Sequels

In Scream 2, the character of Randy Meeks lays out some rules for sequels: 
the body count is always bigger, the death scenes are more elaborate (“more blood, more gore”), and the third rule is not explained in the final cut, although it was revealed in the teaser trailer to be “never, ever, under any circumstances assume the killer is dead”.    The first movie ends with our characters assuming that M3GAN died, of course the ending (and the sequel announcement) shows us that in some form, M3GAN is still alive. This allows her to seek her revenge with the element of surprise, which already makes for great setup. 

One of the criticisms of the first M3GAN film was that there was not enough blood and gore in it, so the sequel definitely needs to deliver on that. Luckily, it lines up with Randy's rules. Based on the way that the last film ended, I believe that the M3GAN we know is still out there in some capacity, even if not in the same physical form. The M3GAN that we know will be incredibly angry and seeking her revenge, so it would make sense for her to be far more brutal than she was in the first installment. This also ties in with the body count in general. We (most likely) will not have to see M3GAN's descent into a killer doll this time around, so I believe it's safe to assume that she will have more time as a killer.

Other Dolls

For me, adding other dolls seems like the next logical step. After all, M3GAN does not have her human companion on her side anymore, so she will need someone else to interact with (besides her victims of course). It also makes sense in the real world since M3GAN is essentially a killer Barbie, no kid just has Barbie for their dollhouse, they have Barbie and her friends. This could also be tied in with the movie's plot. We could see Gemma making a younger sister or friend as a new model of M3GAN, and give it another name. This could be a way of trying to get another product out there for the company, and doing damage control on the events of the previous movie. Then as the movie goes on, we could see M3GAN corrupt the other doll and that leads to a showdown of M3GAN and her new friend versus Gemma and Cady. This ending could see a bond between Gemma and Cady strengthening. Also, multiple killer dolls isn't anything new to horror.

Although I think adding another doll to the sequel is essential, I do not think M3GAN having a love interest here makes a lot of sense. For starters, the company is largely focussing on a young female audience, it would make more sense to expand to a young male audience once they get this version of the doll fixed. So I think we may have to wait for a third or fourth installment to see M3GAN get a Ken to her Barbie, or more accurately, a Chucky to her Tiffany.

More Amazing Marketing

The marketing campaign for M3GAN was absolutely stellar. I wanted to see the movie already, but the marketing campaign made me want to see it as soon as possible. Allowing people to feel they were messaging and interacting with M3GAN on various social media platforms was such a fun concept. I messaged back and forth with M3GAN on Twitter so many times, because it was just incredibly fun. The public appearances only added to this. I really feel this film did so well in large part to this, for more on that, click here! I would like to see this go even further for the next installment, I am not exactly sure the best way to do this, but the team was so creative with this one I am sure they could figure it out. One way could be to create fake commercials for the in-universe dolls as a fake-out television spot. I also think doing some fun animated shorts for their social media campaigns could be fun. For example, I previously mentioned Barbie, who has had countless shows and movies of her own. Also in the Chucky franchise, we see the Good Guy cartoon on television from time to time. I think using this as a plot point in the film, and then in the marketing could work really well.


M3GAN was an incredibly funny and campy film. I believe one of the best ways to continue that humorous tone in the sequel would be with some fun cameos. Specifically I think it could be fun to see some famous TikTok stars appear in the film. They could work with the films plot as just characters within the script, or playing fictionalized versions of themselves to help sell products. Either way I think these people could help with the marketing campaign because I believe that as long as TikTok is still going strong at the time of filming, it could have a large part in the marketing. M3GAN's dance was one of the aspects of the film to go viral, so I fully expect to see more dance sequences in the sequel. I believe they will try their best to recreate the viral moments in marketing I mentioned previously and these TikTok stars could help get the message out there and spread it to their audiences, and giving them cameos in the film could give them more incentive to do so, and drive their audiences to want to go check out the film. So who are some of the TikTok stars I think could work here? 

Scott Seiss

This TikTok star was incredibly well received in his appearance in the recent Cocaine Bear film. I think this could be the next great step in his film career. He is hilarious, and I think he would fit right in as someone who works alongside Gemma in the sequel. Keeping him around could add a lot of levity into what will presumably be a darker sequel.

Brittany Broski

Brittany is one of the first people I remember becoming famous from TikTok. She is one of my favorite people to watch on the platform, and again could be incredibly funny in this film. I think she could also be an incredibly funny coworker for Gemma, but I could also see her playing a fictionalized version of herself commenting on the events of the film. Possibly even getting a M3GAN doll to review and things go wrong. Just a couple of my ideas, but I definitely see the potential.

Sugar and Spice

This duo make so much sense to appear in this film. For starters, they just appeared on season 15 of RuPaul's Drag Race, so they aren't strangers to being behind the camera. Secondly, their entire brand is "dolls come to life", this writes itself. Finally, M3GAN officially received gay icon status, so I think giving these two the opportunity to dress up a M3GAN doll and put her in makeup could make for some hilarious scenes.

Jennifer Coolidge

Not a TikTok star, but I mean come on, you can't tell me Jennifer Coolidge in a M3GAN movie would not be the funniest thing ever. Just think of the possibilities!!

Well, that's all I have on my wishlist for this sequel. What do you want to see in a M3GAN sequel? Let me know!
